Our friends at Aprilaire sent us their newest Energy Star ducted dehumidifier, an E070 (nominal 70 pint per day capacity). We will integrate the dehumidifier with a CERV2 and a ducted minisplit heat pump in our laboratory. The laboratory tests allow us to provide combined operation information for CERV2, minisplit heat pump (we will use Mitsubishi and Fujitsu 1 ton ducted units) and dehumidifier under many conditions.

Moisture management in homes is critical for our health and for a home’s durability. Insulating and sealing homes reduces heating, cooling and moisture (aka, “latent”) conditioning loads, however, a larger fraction of comfort conditioning requirements is shifted to moisture management. Furthermore, a shift from humidification to dehumidification occurs in energy efficient homes. Dehumidifiers are important for simultaneously removing moisture as a home is either heated or cooled.
Gulf states, for example, require dehumidification and cooling. Air conditioners are limited in the amount of latent conditioning relative to “sensible” (air temperature). Dehumidifiers increase the latent conditioning to much higher levels as described in our third “Handling Humidity” report. In northern states, spring and fall seasons often require dehumidification with no cooling. Using an air conditioner to remove moisture will overcool a home. Because a dehumidifier releases heat into a home, overcooling is avoided.
There are many days in many homes in many locations in which combined operation of dehumidification and heat pump conditioning (heating or cooling) are required to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. Stay tuned to learn how CERV2 smart ventilation efficiently integrates indoor air quality management with sensible and latent comfort needs in a simple plug-n-play manner.