Report: 5 Steps to Net Zero Multi-family Residence Renovation: Toronto
Renovating multi-family residences for net zero capable operation is a process. This report presents a 5 step renovation process for a multi-family residence in Toronto consisting of window replacement, infiltration sealing, smart (CERV2) ventilation, cold weather comfort conditioning heat pump, and heat pump water heater.COVID-19 Reports
Build Equinox has been at the forefront of fighting the transmission of Covid-19 from the beginning. Too many lives have been needlessly lost through confusion and inaction within the US, and unfortunately, we are still at the beginning of the pandemic. As horrifying as the current 3,000,000 infections with over 130,000 fatalities in the US sound, we are on a path toward 200,000,000 infections without effective control of the virus.We have included two reports written by Ty describing the basis for the social distance modeling of Covid-19 (“Quantified Easing of Social Distancing Restrictions: Prediction of Covid-19 Disease Transmission Based on a Social Distancing Index”), predicting the current summer surge (“400,000 Infection per Day”), and examining COVID-19 spread due to comfort conditioning ("Killing Ourselves with Comfort").
descriptionInstructions: Covid Safe Space IAQ calculator “Is My Space Safe” Series
descriptionQuantified Easing of Social Distancing Restrictions Prediction of Covid-19 Disease Transmission Based on a Social Distancing Index
description400,000 Infection per Day
descriptionKilling Ourselves with Comfort The Link Between Comfort Conditioning and Airborne Disease Transmission
descriptionHerd Immunity and Infection Probability Indoor SARS-CoV-2 Herd Immunity and Infection Probability Estimates Based on Ventilation, Vaccination, Infections and Face Masks
Report: Designing Exceptional Homes for Exceptional People
In today’s high performance homes, occupant energy usage is often more important than climate-related energy usage. Building an exceptional home that exceeds occupant expectations and minimizes callbacks requires designing homes for exceptional people!Our report analyzes field data and applies “3 sigma” design to determine fresh air ventilation and comfort conditioning needs that satisfy most people. The answers are simple:
1) Each home, regardless of size, should have fresh air ventilation air flow capability of 300cfm
2) Each home, regardless of climate, should have 2 to 3kW (1/2 to 1 ton) of heating and cooling capacity
Report Series: Handling Humidity
This report series discusses sources of moisture in homes (Part 1), climate impact on a home’s moisture management requirements (Part 2), moisture management methods (Part 3), and overall house modeling of moisture and energy (Part 4).
descriptionHandling Humidity: Executive Summary
descriptionHandling Humidity Part 1: Moisture Generation in Homes
descriptionHandling Humidity Part 2: Climate Moisture Variations
descriptionHandling Humidity Part 3: Methods for Managing Moisture
descriptionHandling Humidity Part 4: Putting It Altogether; House Moisture Modeling
Report: Poor Home Maintenance = Increased Health Risks
A survey of privatized housing units at 200 military facilities has an important lesson for all. Poor maintenance habits will make you sick! This report details the relationships between environmental illnesses, mold, maintenance, HVAC (comfort conditioning), plumbing, building structure, and many other issues.Smart Ventilation and Smart Air Distribution Reports
The new Smart Ventilation and Smart Air Distribution reports provide analyses and field data to explain how and why the CERV2 smart ventilation system is more effective in maintaining excellent air quality in an energy efficient manner.Ductology - Understand Duct Design & Performance
Proper design of residential ventilation systems is essential for economic optimization of duct installation cost and ventilation fan power cost. Learn how to design and characterize ducts properly!CERV Articles
descriptionMinisplit Mania! Cost and Performance of Ductless Heat Pumps
descriptionWhat Can The CERV Smell?
descriptionVERMOD CERV ReportDetailed investigation of residential air quality, comfort, and energy usage in 13 nearly identical “Vermod” homes with an advanced CERV® fresh air ventilation system.
ASHRAE Articles
In 2010 and 2011, we wrote a series of 12 articles for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) which detailed the many design aspects of the Equinox House. While the articles detailed Equinox House particulary, they discuss techniques that can easily be implemented in new construction and retrofit homes. The full series is listed below.
descriptionSeptember 2010: Net Zero Energy Project
descriptionOctober 2010: Modeling Zero Energy
descriptionNovember 2010: Walls and Roof
descriptionDecember 2010: Windows and Overhangs
descriptionJanuary 2011: Supersealing a House
descriptionFebruary 2011: Ground Heat Transfer
descriptionMarch 2011: Thermal Mass Design
descriptionApril 2011: Low-Energy Appliances
descriptionMay 2011: Comfort Conditioning and Indoor Air Quality
descriptionJune 2011: Solar Collection and Use
descriptionJuly 2011: Equinox House Performance
descriptionAugust 2011: Equinox Meets Needs
Equinox House Articles
Equinox House demonstrates that solar powered living is real and is economical. The following annual summaries are part of our continuing education efforts to ensure that others realize that the power of sun is more than sufficient to supply our daily energy needs for living in a comfortable, healthy and sustainable manner that provides a future for our children.
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Ready to get started?
Fear not, we're here to help!
Fill out the contact form below, and we'll guide you through the process.
Step 1
Fill out the contact form.
Step 2
We'll reach out to get more information about your project and answer questions.
Step 3
We work together to help finalize the design and options.
Step 4
Get your CERV and start breathing fresh, healthy air!
infoWe work with a variety of customers: whether you're looking for an installer recommendation, have an installer of your own, or even want to do everything yourself...we've got you covered!