Vermod, award-winning leaders in modular, manufactured home construction is in the news! A recent Washington Post article “After decades, Biden Plans to Make Mobile Homes Greener, Sparking a Fierce Debate” features our Vermod friends as an example of where the industry needs to go.
Today’s poorly built manufactured homes are based on cheap materials, high utility bills, and poor occupant health. As Peter Schneider (senior energy consultant, Efficiency Vermont) explains in the article, increasing the initial cost and home quality lowers lifetime cost and monthly bills (mortgage/rent and utility) with reduced home degradation, decreased (and stable) energy bills, and improved occupant health.
Visit Vermod’s website, scroll down to the videos, and watch “John and Anne’s story”. It is heart warming to see how their lives have been transformed.
Florence Nightingale understood these things more than 150 years ago when she remarked that if building designers and owners were responsible for their building occupants’ health, we would have much different homes. It’s time to move to a new human-centric building design paradigm.