The Distillery North, one of the first Passive House certified multifamily buildings in North America, is leading the charge again. This time, father and son team, Fred and Jacob Gordon, are working to shift The Distillery North to ASHRAE’s new 241 standard that promotes healthy indoor air quality levels that minimize airborne contagion transmission.
Build Equinox CERV2 smart ventilation technology already meets ASHRAE 241. The new standard defines ventilation levels we have advocated for years, so anyone with first gen CERV and current CERV2 units have been meeting the new standard for years.

The Gordons previously installed CERV2 smart ventilation units in other spaces in The Distillery. This new CERV2 has been installed in Fred’s residence located in the PH certified Distillery North apartments. The old ERV is typical of most HRV and ERV units that operate on constant ventilation air flow without whole house recirculation. Recirculation and filtration are critical for removing indoor generated particulates and contagions. CERV2 smart ventilation brings in fresh air when needed, and when not needed, operates in a whole house recirculation and filtration mode that scrubs indoor particulates from the air.
An additional CERV2 benefit is filter cost reduction. The previous ERV unit’s custom filters are expensive, costing more than the value of the unit’s energy recovery savings. The CERV2 has been designed for high performance MERV (13 and higher) filters obtainable from multiple sources (including us).