Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZyY0iDf3HY
Many classrooms are unhealthy and uncomfortable, creating poor learning environments with high absenteeism. Older, unventilated classrooms can be economically transitioned to improved air quality, comfort and high efficiency with our new CERV-1000 technology.
This webinar describes the CERV-1000, an innovative technology for converting spaces such as classrooms to high performance heat pump comfort conditioning with smart ventilation controls for automatically managing indoor air quality.
Impacts of air quality and comfort on student learning and absenteeism are discussed. Features of CERV-1000 are described, including its integrated pollutant sensors, MERV13 filtration, high efficiency energy recovery, UVGI (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation) air purification, and high efficiency heat pump for comfort conditioning are described.
CERV-1000 conversion of a junior high school classroom is presented. A "rolling" room-by-room installation process using a community's local HVAC installation labor with no classroom downtime is described. Indoor air quality and comfort field data from classrooms are presented. Before and after IAQ and comfort data from a converted junior high school classroom are presented. Health, energy and cost information for classroom conversions are presented.
Learning Objectives
1) Discuss how students and teaching staff generate pollutants (carbon dioxide, VOCs and particulates) in classroom environments.
2) Describe how much fresh air must be supplied and how much indoor air must be recirculated through filters in order to maintain a healthy, productive learning environment
3) Discuss energy and energy cost during occupied and unoccupied periods in classrooms with healthy ventilation and efficient, low temperature heat pump technologies
4) Describe installation and equipment cost for decarbonizing and improving IAQ in older classrooms