Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory states that homes without smart ventilation are stupid. Find out why in our Build Equinox webinar on smart ventilation and smart air distribution, two essential aspects for maintaining excellent air quality in residences.
The webinar compares air quality and energy efficiency of a smart ventilation system (CERV2) to a high performance HRV (90%) system that follows ASHRAE 62.2 ventilation standards in a modern IRC (International Residential Code) home (ACH50=3) and a high performance home (ACH50=0.6).
Thanks to everyone who could make it to our webinar! For those of you who'd like to watch again (or if you didn't get a chance to see it), you can find a link to the slides, as well as the full video below!

The impact of air distribution on ventilation system performance is presented. Comparisons are made between “one-and-done” (HRV/ERV) ventilation systems and smart ventilation systems with air recirculation and zone monitoring and control. After attending, you will wonder why anyone would use ASHRAE 62.2 one-size-fits-all, odor-based ventilation standards.
Learning Objectives