Thanks to everyone who could make it to our webinar! For those of you who'd like to watch again (or if you didn't get a chance to see it), you can find a link to the slides, as well as the full video below!

Recent indoor air quality research is redefining the levels of pollutants that impact our health, cognition and productivity. The cost of poor air quality is staggering, exceeding the cost of a person’s annual energy requirements.
This is a repeat of our popular "New IAQ Metrics Webinar" from December 8th, 2016
Participants in this webinar will learn how poor indoor air quality impacts our health, productivity and cognition. Potential improvement of health, productivity and cognition relative to current ventilation standards will be discussed, as well as new metrics that define cognition improvement and pollutant exposure. Field data from several homes using the new IAQ metrics will be presented, with a comparison between homes with CERV smart ventilation and conventional “leaky” homes.
Topic Outline
1) Why are new IAQ metrics needed?
a. New research shows current standards based on odor are unsatisfactory
i. Both CO2 and VOCs impact human performance
b. Cognition impacts
c. Disease transmission
d. Sleep degradation
e. Productivity impact and cost
2) Ventilation Standards (ASHRAE 62.2 - 2016)
a. Whole house ventilation standards
b. Local exhaust requirements
3) Defining Air Quality Effects
a. Cognition
b. CO2 and VOC exposure metrics
c. Comparison to current ventilation standard
4) Field Data
a. Cognition productivity and exposure metrics in conventional homes
b. Cognition productivity and exposure metrics in smart ventilation (CERV) homes
c. Comparison of smart ventilated and conventional home air quality
d. Energy usage in smart ventilated homes
5) Summary
This webinar is presented by Build Equinox, a leader in fresh air ventilation technology. Build Equinox manufactures the CERV smart ventilation system that automatically monitors and controls indoor pollutants in homes. The CERV is manufactured in Build Equinox’s solar powered facility located in Urbana, Illinois.