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This webinar will discuss the newly released CERV2 Smart Ventilation system. Its physical changes along with performance and operational changes over the current CERV will be covered. Space is limited, so register today!
This webinar is presented by Build Equinox, a leader in fresh air ventilation technology. Build Equinox manufactures the CERV smart ventilation system that automatically monitors and controls indoor pollutants in homes. The CERV is manufactured in Build Equinox’s solar powered facility located in Urbana, Illinois.
Webinar Transcript:
Welcome to the CERV two smarter ventilation my name is ben newell from build equinox I'm president and today we'll be going through the CERV to overview just kind of looking at the system overall this historically had been kind of a comparison of our first generation CERV to the CERV too but now that it's been on the market for coming up on a year now this later this spring they were morphing it more and they're just an overview of the CERV too so there won't be much discussion about our first generation unit just on what looking forward with the CERV - now this slide just shows some of the overall features that we mark it with the CERV - just the automatic fresh air control ventilation recirculation modes heat pump variable speed controls and Internet connectivity designed and built in the USA so these are all features that will kind of touch on as we move through the presentation a more in-depth outline here that can advance my slides this outline here's more in-depth just talking first of all about what smart ventilation is and just going over that standards current air quality standards configuration of the CERV - installation operation performance characteristics and then additional features that are options that are built into it some future tech and availability is you have questions feel free to submit those and I will periodically stop and try to answer those if I can and then if we have time at the end happy to answer additional questions as well so first kind of looking at the current standards for ventilation most of you are probably familiar I've heard of ASHRAE 62 point two which is the standard for ventilation and residential buildings and it's what this is is a minimum standard but it's not based on indoor air quality it's not an air quality standard for inside a home it's historically based on odor detection studies so generally those are gonna if you look at that versus what actual air quality is and keeping people healthy and minimizing health effects that basing it on odor isn't sufficient for maintaining good air quality it also doesn't account for higher pollution events or changes in occupancy or activity levels gas and electric are looked at in the same way there's no penalty for using gas or combustion appliances inside and then as I mentioned the new studies are showing that the air flows specified in the standard are not sufficient for managing a healthy air inside the home so that's what we're really pushing forward with the CERV is a ventilation system that's going above just a standard code now smart ventilation specifically then measures pollutants and other comfort conditions and it makes operational decisions based on data that it's collecting and then also the set points by the users or occupants the it's important to shift towards this kind of control because things you are measuring you can't accurately control let's try like trying to drive your collar without a speedometer there may be a setting that you think you should set it to but if you're just guessing based on looking at how fast you think you're going you're not going to be going the right speed as well as not knowing what's going on your around you in terms of occupancy changes and activity levels what's going on in the house it's a very very dynamic environment you have cooking showering things like this going on exercise versus or sedentary activities these things all change the amount of fresh air that you need at home and if you can't vary the level of ventilation and trigger it when you need to you're not able to accurately keep it at that level ensure a healthy environment and it also saves energy and so we're really trying to shift the focus from just saying which system is more energy efficient to really looking at which systems can keep your home at a healthy indoor air quality level and that's much more important than the minimal amount of energy and costs associated with operation rather than the health effects now the surf smart ventilation then we measure temperature relative humidity co2 BOC levels and then we can automatically make changes in the operation based on these readings as well as the set points while you may associate then being able to smell pollutants determining when you may need ventilation the sensors built into the sir independent co2 VOCs sensors are highly sensitive and will pick pollutant levels up much sooner than you should be able to detect just by odors or comfort levels and then by measuring things you can automatically adjust for like things like infiltration in the home opening doors and windows so a home with a lot of kids going inside and outside of the house that's fresh air coming in that may reduce the amount of ventilation that the mechanical system needs to do likewise well we don't view infiltration really is a healthy fresh air it's not necessarily coming in where you want it to and then it's not filtered but this will reduce pollutant levels co2 OCS and so a leaky house may need less ventilation than a tighter home also then depending on conditions outside a windy or de winter versus summer that all changes your infiltration rate and the surf can automatically adjust for that because it's measuring pollutant levels and then we can also use metrics to provide feedback to the users kind of home health reports because we are collecting this data over time we can give that feedback to the occupants say here's how your house has been performing and that's helpful as well do they need to make changes in their settings with the system or things they're doing activities or products or things in the house really giving them more control and feedback on what's going on this is just an example of just a conventional ERV ventilation system versus then a CERV smart ventilation type system the first chart shows this is a high performance passive house just with continuous ventilation set to levels where they think it should be set to the first part of the chart where it's higher levels that's when the occupants were home just regular daily activities and you can see it's above that roughly seven hundred to a thousand threshold where you want to maintain good air quality when they leave then the system still running this is over a weekend than they were out of the house you can see that's a time when they have really good air quality levels of Nome but obviously the system's just running flat out still ventilating using energy that isn't needed and then when they come back again the levels go back over this threshold on average then the if you just average this over the time period it would look like it is really good air quality but then looking at the the actual data you see that when it is occupied it's higher than you'd like you should probably set it higher and when they're gone you can really cut down on the amount of ventilation that it's doing the CERV then below shows how it reacts to pollutant levels so the co2 and vo see charts here with the green background shows periods of ventilation so to the left of the chart you see where there's no ventilation going on the co2 finally hits a threshold to activate ventilation co2 then is brought down under the setpoint and then you have a few other places where it's hitting that set point again triggering ventilation this might be a high occupancy level maybe they have people over in the house so the CERVr's right up against the set point and then perhaps guess one way from the house and now the co2 would be Oh sea levels drop down below on the setting thus shutting off of ventilation needed once again now so how does smart ventilation then kind of impact the the home overall homeowners builders architects different stakeholders in a project they build homes with different certifications either passive house or lead or Net Zero Energy Star because I know these homes will have increased comfort increased energy efficiency durability perhaps lower life cycle cost hopefully and they're more marketable smart ventilation then is really a good fit for these types of homes especially where you're exceeding code by quite a bit with certain features for those reasons but then generally they're just following the standard baseline ASHRAE code for ventilation smart ventilation then lets them have a high performance ventilation system to match their their home and so it really improves on all the above things Plus improving the health of the occupants by way of cognition productivity sleep quality increases and in my taking data you have proved what your home is what the air quality is inside and that it can maintain excellent air quality you're starting to see a lot of Realtors and potential home buyers request radon radon readings for a house as well as perhaps utility bills so it's not too far on the future where then you may see people saying hey I want to see how how the air quality is maintained in this house and that's something you can do with the CERV is a smart ventilation system with that kind of data I'm seeing a question I may have popped up about that now someone's asking about just kind of doing a baseline as far as taking co2 monitoring you can for sure buy these online the inexpensive ones are not very trustworthy but they can kind of maybe give you an indication with the serf there's not really a home people say oh my house is old and leaky but the studies we've done and seeing that isn't an indication that you have good air quality just construction flaws in the house where those leaks are occurring aren't necessarily where people are occupied house they may be all in a crawl space and basement giving a very leaky house but then maybe it's fairly well sealed without much air movement through the living and bedroom areas where you may have really high pollutant levels so the type of house isn't too important to installing a CERV so the and then someone else asked where the sensors are located in the CERV they're located in the service so it's looking at the house as a whole we have wireless remote sensors that can be used as well to look at different areas of the home but the CERV is really ducted throughout the house bringing that air centrally to it where it's taking these readings and then trying to maintain the whole house at a uniform air quality and comfort level and then this is something where we do have wireless remote sensors right now with that something will continue to expand on the surface to is a good base for for doing that too looking at specific ventilation or air quality in different locations this is just the perspective of the energy versus health cost as I mentioned before a lot of these certification programs are really focused on the energy and that we're building high-performance homes to save energy we're we're really focused on you really build a house to keep yourself comfortable and as healthy as possible and that having better health associated with better air quality in a home is really on par if not greatly exceeding the cost of energy if we assume 100 million high performance homes across the u.s. it would cost about a hundred and sixty billion dollars a year to to condition these homes power these homes about 4,000 kilowatt per person a year 12 cents per kilowatt-hour come up with about 160 billion just the annual cost of influenza throughout the United States per year is 87 billion so half the energy costs for high-performance homes throughout the country half of that is the cost of just influenza in ventilation increased ventilation during times of influenza can reduce contamination and spreading of the flu and so there's a direct cost savings benefit to having a good ventilation and air quality asthma is becoming more prevalent you probably know someone if you yourself or your family member aren't afflicted with it it's now up to 10% of the population so a third of households have asthma and this has a cost of fifty six billion dollars per year and so can we reduce that we're down to where historically it has been five percent or even less most likely people are just spending more time in their house the products houses are becoming more well sealed the products and furnishings that we build our houses from these are all things that are pointing towards this increase in asthma level so with good ventilation and air quality it's something that hopefully we can control and hopefully reduce even lower historic levels and then there's also the productivity this is the harder thing to quantify but there's a hangover effect that you spend your time at home in a high co2 environment going to work the next day you have lower productivity cognition this is a record related how product productive you are at work so how much is that costing you $50,000 a year job just a 1% some productivity is $500 a year studies are showing that 10% productivity loss isn't wouldn't be that surprising so this is a pretty big effect compared to how much you may spend on energy in a year just a few thousand dollars just checking out the questions here see if there's anything some of these are kind of related it looks like to what I'll be going over a bit later here so I'll just continue on and may answer these questions the configuration then of the CERV - it's a unitary system so it's all in one the energy recovery in the CERV is done through a heat pump so there's no ERV or HR vcore in the system it's all through a heat pump dampers are built in as well the fans are ECM so they're super efficient variable speed so we can do balancing with those as well as setting the air flow rate for different kinds of operation fresh air and return air filters are built into the unit these are standard ten by twenty by one inch or 2 inch filters can be used so trying to trying to just have a low cost for filter changes to encourage people to do this filtration is important part of good air quality the displays a built-in color touchscreen and then the housing is unpainted aluminum and eight inch duct connections on the unit just keepin big passions passionate ways through the unit to reduce the fan power and any noise associated with that that's a reason for these larger duct connections and then the CERV too has expanded external input output capabilities and well over some of that as well a few of the just bullet points on the heat pump system it's a variable speed compressor so yeah we can change the capacity based on the modes of operation and conditions inside and outside the compressors from the appliance industry so it's like a larger refrigerator based compressor both for efficiency as well as noise purposes so it's virtually silent system we use electronic expansion valve this also lets us vary the capacity of the system as well as efficiency so we can tune it to different conditions and then we use a micro channel heat exchangers so these are very lightweight and reduced the refrigerant charge and then they're recyclable we try to keep end-of-life in mind when we design our system the previous slide showed that the housing is also unpainted aluminum gives it a nice look but also makes it more recyclable eliminating pain competitive aeration of the system overall mentioned the eight-inch ducts all the duct connections come from the top it's kind of in a vertical orientation the two back ducts are the outlets from the fan so you have the supply duct into the house the exhaust duct to the outside and then on the right side there and more towards the front or the fresh air from outside and then a return duct coming from the house so these four courts are standard like any other ear of your HRV type of system a unique feature are these utility ducts these are smaller 3-inch ones these will be deducted or just left open if for like a heat pump water heater or he pump clothes dryer those two appliances will either cool down or heat up a space so while you wouldn't duct them directly to the CERVd you can pull air from those locations into the CERV it's offset from the temperature humidity sensors we have built-in just if those rooms are a bit warmer or cooler just so it won't influence the overall readings from the house there but that entrains that air to help keep those spaces more uniform temperature so those appliances can operate more efficiently the filter access panels from the top so those 10 by 20 inch filters are sitting side-by-side in there they just slide down in condensate drain it is an ERV so we are dropping moisture out through the heat pump cycle both condensate as well as frost so there's a condensate line that comes out a power switch the unit just plugs it into a standard 120 outlet recommend just a 15 amp breaker for that outlet circuit and then there's some knockouts for auxiliary wired employed or outputs that can connect to the circuit that way the screen is built into the unit so it's a capacitive touch three and a half inch screen trying to keep it large clear and easy to navigate some of you familiar with other ARV systems it's either just the dial you're setting or if it is a screen it's pretty rudimentary and there's a lot of levels to doing the settings so we wanted to make it as intuitive and easy to navigate as possible so you can't get lost in the settings or you don't know what's going on and then we have wireless dedicated screen as well so this could be placed around a house and it's just communicating wirelessly with the CERV so you can see the current see the current settings and data and make changes if you need to I'll go over a little bit more than just the wire Wi-Fi capability to is built-in so that's a reason the remote screen is now optional that push people more towards using the online with smartphone or tablet or a computer you have the same controller as you do built into it so you can control it from anywhere in your house or anywhere in the world online as far as the installation you really just set the unit in place connect the ducts plug it into an outlet connect the condensate drain either run it to a floor drain or I can go to a condensate pump to descend a condensate elsewhere the the size of the unit is roughly two feet wide and in front the back forty inches and then the height is just about thirty-eight the filter access the minimum area shown vertically that's really if you didn't have any clearance on the side if you wanted to have a shorter insult area above it the filters can come out more horizontally you just need enough room connected ducts from above the surf can either most likely is setting just on the floor or some people build just a platform so you can have maintain storage below the unit as well you know you really want to have a good ease of access to change your filters every at least three months if not more than that this is just a picture of a typical installation this is in a mechanical room so you can see the ducts just coming straight off with a unit the back-left duct is the supply to the house so that in this case is uninsulated but that can be have some level of insulation if you want to maintain the condition from the CERV going to different supply locations in the house the back-right duct is the exhaust to the outside so you can see that very well insulated as it needs to be the fresh air from outside is just in front of that it's harder to see in this picture here but and that's also well insulated we recommend at least our eighth but this will depend on your location you may be blessed many more than that just to prevent any sweating condensation frost build up on the outside of these ducts and then the return air from the house as long as all those ducts are within conditioned space this can just be uninsulated coming back to the unit in the case of this installation you can see those utility ducts are just capped off so they're not using those and that would be typical for most installations somewhere they have a heat pump water heater in the same room as this CERV either there's a direct return in that room or these utility ducts they may just drill a few holes in that cap to entrain some air to come from that room just a few CFM to come through that space you can't see the unit plugged in in the back is where the cord is and then on the front is just condensate drain this one just gravity going back to a floor drain behind unit maintenance wise really changing the filters as I mentioned is the most important aspect of maintaining unit besides that making sure the condensate drain is flowing freely like you would with your air conditioner and then something else that's important is to keep the ports on the outside of the house clear so fresh air intake as well as the exhaust to the outside you just want to not make sure especially in the fall leaves may blow up on the screen and block that which reduces air flow so that's just another thing besides out there's really no maintenance on the actual system itself operationally then this graphic is kind of showing you all the different modes of operation that are possible and then on the right side are the configurations both in recirculation as well as ventilation in heating or cooling as I mentioned the CERV uses a small heat pump the energy recovery this allows us to actively add heat or cool and dehumidifier fresh air before supplying it into the house hopefully in a conditioned state as much as it can and then because we are measuring the air quality that the syrup doesn't always have to be in ventilation mode it can either sit off or it has a recirculation mode to help mix the air throughout the house this does extra filtration which are very important but we can also use that same key pump to add a little bit of heating or cooling to unification directly in the home as well the heat pump is roughly a third of a ton really sized for the air flow further ventilation needs about a hundred to three hundred CFM so generally not enough to fully condition a house not even with smaller high-performance homes depending on the location though time of year the syrup may do quite a bit of the conditioning for a low load home but it's not meant to be the main conditioning system in the house if you need a lot of enduring extreme weather events the service having to put that conditioning into the outside air bringing up to comfort conditions so that's not a time where you're getting that direct energy benefit necessarily inside the house when you may need a lot looking at the modes of operation then there's research heating ventilation heating free heating free heating like free cooling is when the heat pump just stays off when energy recovery isn't beneficial you just want to bring fresh air in swing seasons or when you might see this a lot so when it's cooler outside but not quite cool enough to make the overcome the internal heat generation in the house you just want to bring that fresh air in to cool it down provide fresh air so the heat pump will just stay off during that time a recirculation cooling research heat ventilation cooling vent setpoint is where you're close enough to the set points and conditions outside our not really enough to justify doing energy recovery again you can just bring in that fresh air in the home to reduce pollutant levels recirculation mode is where the CERVr would otherwise just be sitting off kind of in standby mode if the air quality and temperature settings are satisfied that the inside fan can come on just to move air through the house just to even out the air quality comfort do extra filtration so a lot of homes will just set that at a hundred percent so then the CERV is never fully shutting off that inside fan is always just going to maintain air movement through the house especially homes that are using the mini-split heat pumps this can kind of help move air around the house as well for those in an office s is where the CERV is just sitting off then it periodically has the fans come on to move air to update the readings to see if it needs a make an adjustment as far as either ventilation or recirculation heating or cooling stores what's going on to give us these different modes of operation the heat pump itself then has a reversing valve so we can switch that that's what's doing switching between heating and cooling and then there's a damper mechanism built in that's switching between the recirculation versus the pressure of ventilation modes so that's kind of what this schematic is trying to show here a question I get a lot from people after they've just installed the CERV and they're still learning about it is why is I still bringing the air from the outside even though I'm in a recirculation mode and so the heat pump is built all in in the one box as opposed to like your air conditioner or a mini-split heat pump that has an indoor and an outdoor unit so when you're in heating mode with like a mini split there's air moving over the outdoor unit but because our outdoor unit is built inside of the same box we need to bring fresh air in over that side of the heat pump as well even if it's in recirculation mode and we're not introducing fresh air into the house we are bringing that air over the heat pump and and exhausting it back to the outside so in each case it's bringing fresh air into the CERV itself except for the recirculation mode when just the inside fan is operating the sensors then are monitoring indoor air quality so we have independent co2 and VOCs sensors as I mentioned these are all built into the CERV itself so wherever the syrup may be located in the house it's just all the ducts coming from the house bringing air back to the CERV it's measuring that that air and then it's measuring also temperature and relative humidity both inside and outside the house CERV to as capability to add co2 or BOC sensor to the fresh air as well we're still working on the control mechanism for that but this is an option that not people and use just to see what the outdoor air quality may be places where the wild fires are prevalent this lets them perhaps change the modes of operation or settings with their unit as well as look at installing specialized filters for removing smoke particulates and odor so they may use charcoal filters during this time when wildfires are a problem but just any concern with the outdoors or just knowing what the outdoor levels are we have this capability a future development internally for us is using this outdoor knowledge to make adjustments automatically in the service operation but that's still something we're out looking at doing the controller then this is the the main screen down below as I said the inside and outside temperature and relative humidity are measured those are the under the house icon with those arrows that's the inside house temperature and relative humidity the one that it's not a true outdoor there's going to be an offset depending on how long of a duck run from outside to the CERV there is how well insulated that is so a more accurate description of this is the fresh air inlet to the certain temperature and relative humidity so in the wintertime the air may be warming up a little bit as it's coming through that duct so it won't be a true outdoor out reading we also have a ground lupita exchanger that can be used to preheat or pre cool year so if that's in line that will also impact this fresh air reading so it's not going to be a true outdoor measurement next to that under the co2 and vo see kind of clouds you see the readings there these are both in parts-per-million so co2 is a true parts per million within VOCs are generally used measured in parts per billion but our sensor we it's correlated to parts per million so it can be on the same scale as co2 it's correlated to VOCs generated from human respiration so if you just add someone in a sealed room with both of these sensors they should be tracing pretty identical to each other if you have off gassing or cleaning products or something generating additional VOCs then you would see a vo see you reading higher than co2 levels and then below that are the status bars that indicate how far away you are from the setpoint agreeing indicates you're well below yellow you're getting closer to the setpoint and then red would be your out of range it would switch into ventilation mode at that point below that along the bottom is the current mode of operation so that corresponds to the previous slide where I show the different modes of operation and then in the upper right just it's kind of a status alert bar there so this is kind of the main screen where you would navigate through to get to any other screens as far as set points then setting ventilation on the CERV co2 and BOC while they're measured independently right now we have them just sharing the same set point generally anywhere from eight nine hundred to a thousand eleven hundred it's kind of the range you maybe set this to maintain air quality below seven eight hundred parts per million in the house co2 VLC sensors can also be disabled independently so where there may be a high source outside of VOCs that would make it appear that inside has high vo sea levels if you continue to ventilate this just lets you disable a sensor for certain reasons or times so then the CERVr won't be kind of falsely ventilating due to something going on outside and this is again something we're working on with the fresh air air quality sensors that these can compare to each other to see okay is it a source from outside that's kind of tricking me that it is inside or or is it a true do I have high VOCs inside and outdoor air is fine to bring in in addition to setting the parts per million you can also set a schedule ventilation so if you wanted just a baseline ventilation bring in fresh air so minutes so many minutes out of every hour no matter what the air quality readings are and this is how a conventional systems are operated so you do have that flexibility if you want additional fresh air for whatever reason but zero percent then just uses the sensors to dictate when you're going into ventilation mode temperature set points this is what the heat pump is using to both determine whether to go into heating or cooling mode when it's in ventilation as well as then when you don't need fresh air that just recirculation heating or cooling if you wanted to use the CERV to provide as much heating or cooling as as its able to these settings are used these are also used to determine whether that free cooling or free caging mode of operation are useful as well some performance numbers for the CERV and you can find these online there's a lot of detail here but because it is a heat pump we have both the capacity Co P levels input power for different for different outdoor conditions for heating and then cooling as well so you can see yet below freezing the CERV is still close to a CO P of three so it's a very efficient system so that's why people use it to do as much heating or cooling is it as it can even though it is a smaller capacity and then there their larger systems will take over from the CERV as it can't keep up with that cooling capacity and a D verification maximum on that side of it is about ten liters per day the the latent cooling is really set like an air conditioner so that the humidification is just part of its cooling function so we can't specifically D minify like a standalone do you get a fire that's removing moisture while adding heat to the to the house and then the fans below this is just for some different speeds but quite a wide wide range of fan power the pet dictated really by the ducting let's put put in the house so using good duct design low static pressure in the ducts you're going to have really low fan power smaller restrictive ducts the fans are going to need to ramp up to maintain whatever CFM you need through the house this curve is just showing the first generation and the second generation efficiency for recirculation heating so with some small changes that we made to the heat pump system where every to get better COP performance out of the unit so this is a good step up in that direction there but you can see heading well below zero then towards the graph to the left as far as heating Co P well below zero we're going to be better than one which is what you would get with electric resistance which is what the CERV goes down to as you get low below zero capacity of heating then we tried to skewed the CERV to more towards the lower temperature heating capacity sacrificing it at the upper end where you need less eating when it's 40 to 50 degrees outside so that this curve is just showing our first generation vs. is CERVd to capacity and heat mode and then cooling has the same kind of characteristics as far as the Co P level and then having a bit more capacity and cooling and even indication we did previously this is a comparison of the air flow rate for the CERVr versus the CERV to the dotted lines are further CERV to versus the solid lines for the CERV this is both with Murph 13 filters accounted for as well so you can see we've just by making changes keeping passageway larger simplifying passageways the serf who gets a better airflow than our previous one so this reduces the fan power potential noise and you can just run the fans at a lower speed for equivalent air flow rates the blue box is kind of the where you really want to design your ductwork for having lower static pressure trying to make have the fans run 60 to 80% fan speed for a normal operation is a good target to shoot for so you can see with lower static pressure there one hundred and fifty to two hundred CFM is probably most projects would set this CERV to be operating so this is a good kind of a good place to design your ductwork around there's two fan options for the CERV same heat pump same everything else just different fans this is for our smaller fan option maybe houses fifteen hundred twelve hundred square feet below would use these just with simple simple small short duct runs and our large fan option has a much higher static pressure and air flow capability so this one could take you up to three hundred CFM if you need it but again keeping low duct static pressure is important to maintain lower fan speed on average will go so through some features and options and just check on time here so we have time for questions in that but this will just go through the different external input and output and other features that the serf who has what we've gone through previously just for the settings and set points those are kind of the basic operation and then above that is more order you get into things for spot ventilation or interacting with external devices communication it's built into the sir I said before the Wi-Fi is built-in so you can control the CERV online from a smartphone or computer or tablet there's no service fee associated with using connecting your surf to the Internet it's completely free as long as you have internet connection and then service is the kind of dashboard that you use to to log in and control the CERVr an ocean is also built into the CERV so this is what we use to talk with our wireless devices and so this is a nice low-power communication protocol that we built in as well and it's the last bullet set here that we can do over the over-the-air software updates so your CERV really should be getting better over time as we add new features or changes to the algorithms that you can automatically take advantage of those things this is kind of that online dashboard called service so you can see the online controller is identical to what's built into the cert or the optional remote touch screen controller so it should be easy to use that chart I showed previously with the co2 of EOC levels that's what you see online as well so it's logging all the data that it's collecting so you can look at that data over time you can download the data and make use of it as you like in addition to air quality temperature and humidity readings are also logged for for inside and outside the house and then along the right side here these are analytics so these are those home health reports that give feedback to the users these are different metrics we have another webinar called IAQ metrics that kind of goes over what these are and how they were developed but this really gives people feedback on how their home is performed versus just ventilating to code levels and then it gives insights into using VOCA and co2 readings what things they should be looking out for in their home and in just over time how is it performing communication to the outside the Wi-Fi is obviously built-in so you have that online control there's spaces for wired inputs so this is where the CERVr would detect the signal from some external device to trigger it CERV to do something so either a 24 volt signal or a dry contact can be use there and then wired outputs this is where the CERV can control something externally again dry normal the open normally closed contacts as well as 24 volt AC output and then the wireless and ocean devices are also external to the CERVr that we can vote with control as well as read signals in built into the unit itself there's one output built in dry contact normally open on any clothes there's a one 24 volt AC output and then there's one signal input so that would be built in a standard unit that you can wire to this way we offer an expansion board that expands to three additional inputs as well as six output channels so if you have multiple things wired to it go over zone the Emporer later but that's something that can be controlled directly through the expansion board so the wired inputs that you can connect to the CERV these are kind of the functions so the upper-right-hand shows if you have the base input zero is the one built into the CERV and then with the expansion board three additional ones the modes that you can trigger based on these inputs are ventilation heating cooling our recirculation or a stop operation and so these are things where maybe you have some external sensor or whatever else and whenever that sends a signal to the CERV then you can trigger the CERV to do something specific the halt operation is something that can be used for like a moisture sense or something like that if detect water somewhere you can turn on the CERV off but these are kind of flexibility on the wired inputs that you can see here the upper right then kind of shows these configured so they have these are configured to ventilation so there's an external input to the CERV that tells it hey I want to ventilate for whatever reason you may have likewise the wired outputs then are the CERV using its internal readings and then these settings are set so you can control external devices and you can see here that Geo boost is the ground lupita exchanger that's one that can be configured to it the service looking then is it better to use the ground impede exchanger to precondition the air or just have that off to bring in fresh air directly without preconditioning it so you can set this output to control a circulation pump to do those things fan interlock can be used so whenever the service operating if it's connected to a central system air handler that you can have it run that fan wherever the CERV needs to be on but you can interrupt interlock it with various devices as well heating and cooling so if you wanted to CERV to control an external heating or cooling device we sell a post heater that can be used an electric duct heater and the CERV can be used to control that so a zero offset would use the duct heater whenever the service going in heating mode or we can set an offset to the temperature in the home would need to drop a number of degrees before it would try to use that non induct here ventilation so this can be used to trigger something else during ventilation time or we looked at some like commercial applications where on average the CERV may be able to maintain the air quality in a space but like a meeting house or an office building or there may be a conference that has more people in it during those times when the CERV can't keep up if it reaches a higher threshold on the ventilation setting it can trigger a bigger ERV to come on during that time to provide additional ventilation and then we can control a dehumidification or humidification so if you're above the humidity setpoint or below it you can trigger something to do something related to humidity levels zoning is something else then to control dampers this would be where maybe you split a house up into large house into different segments or a multi-family and the serf can spend time in each of these zones so it would open the returned ducts from one zone returning spy ducts from a zone to spend time there and then just switch to a different zone for another period of time so it's just kind of going back and forth between these the wireless device options these use that and Ocean protocol mainly these are used for triggering spot ventilation for bathrooms and kitchens the wireless vent switches these are both battery free as well as a wireless when you press the switch it generates enough power to send a signal to the CERV so these are used in almost all of our installations for bathroom ventilation a kitchen the active circuit transmitter kind of does the same thing but it's wired to an existing circuit either a light or maybe a kitchen vent hood and whatever that's turned on its sending a signal to the CERV to start ventilating the remote sensors we have these measure temperature humidity co2 levels right now you can't use those for the CERV internally to do anything but it can use those readings just to tell you what's going on around the house or you can use those instead of this sensors built-in with the CERV to control external devices so if the CERV is activating a heater you could have it using a temperature in the living area as opposed to the one built in and a CERV and in Wireless moon delays can be used for various reasons to trigger things externally to come on with the same outputs as I showed before heating cooling ventilation things like that as far as remote venting specifically using like the wireless switch or the active circuit transmitter when you configure this to the CERV it can tell each of these individually so you can set the settings for these different for each one so if you had a number of switches around the house you can name each of them individually they can each have a different ventilation time length associated with them as well as a different fan speed and so you can see here this is just how you set those different things so if you wanted the serf to boost the fan speed up when that switch is hit you can do that if you wanted to have different speeds for different rooms for whatever reason that you have that flexibility zone dampers can be layered on top of the those wireless switches this lets you then specifically pull more ventilation air from a location that's active so if you had several zones set up that for instance you could have the when the master bathroom switch is pressed it may close down the kitchen the other bathrooms you have in the house to pull more air specifically from the master bathroom when that switch is active kitchen vent hood goes in use then you could close it would close down the master bathroom and the other bathroom returns to pull more air from the kitchen so this just again is another layer on top of that to give more precise control for a spot ventilation where maybe during normal operation just the lower air flow from those spaces may be enough just to maintain good air quality but then for spot ventilation purposes if you wanted to boost that air flow up then that's why you use the zone dampers you can also add them on a supply side as well so if a certain zone is active for ventilation you can also have the supplies direct the airflow to a certain Zone in the house during that time and these zones you also set so you can link several to the same switch or several switches can be on one zone so you know multiple bathrooms on a single zone damper if they're all connected together so it really depends on the house layout and how you may want to control things the screen here just shows this has a number of devices configured wireless devices to this particular CERV so this is a remote wireless controller this one is a bedroom sensor with temperature humidity and co2 level a bathroom wireless switch here this is an active circuit transmitter and then this is a kitchen vent hood on an active circuit transmitter so you have up to 18 of these types of devices linked to the CERVr and then down below here this is this is a then that device just showing that the vent length the fan speed and then what zone it's been configured to there so this is kind of the status of that particular device just some things we're working on and hopefully more near-term future for the CERV - we don't quite have the duck the mini-split controller out yet but something we hope to release here shortly and then with all the smart home integration we've been taking a look at that as well so connecting to things like Alexa or Google or Apple home type products having that integration in voice control as well the CERV - has been out roughly about a year in october's when we receive ul listing this is both US as well as Canadian you are listing so now we're in full production and shipping ul listed products all across North America and then just some ways to stay informed and up-to-date with what we're doing we have monthly newsletter our next one should be coming out here soon for February we announced webinars through there and have other informative articles spotlights of different projects and in other news you can see past newsletter articles archived webinars as I mentioned the IAQ metrics webinar kind of discusses those reports that are generated with the data taken by the CERV kind of goes through those analytics so thank you very much for tuning in if you have any questions I'm going to get to those shortly and just see if there's any that I can answer here but for sure feel free to contact us at any time Thanks