Handling Humidity – Part 4, Putting It Altogether; House Moisture Modeling is now available on our website. Part 4 examines whole house energy characteristics for our three contractors, Contractor Loose, Contractor Tight and Contractor Smart. Monthly variations in moisture management and energy usage are presented for homes constructed in Miami, Phoenix, and Urbana (IL). The overall conclusion is that moisture management requires a significant amount of energy and that moisture modeling is essential for understanding a home’s performance in every climate.
As complex as moisture variations are throughout the year for every climate region, an overall conclusion is the following: Seal Tight and Ventilate Smart! A smart ventilated home requires less energy than an ASHRAE 62.2-2016 ventilated home with a high efficiency HRV in all climates and maintains better indoor air quality automatically.
Our four part Handling Humidity series covers a broad range of topics. A Handling Humidity - Executive Summary is also posted on our website with a list of the primary conclusions for each report and to provide a roadmap of each report’s topics.
We hope you enjoy this report series, and that it provides information and understanding of moisture in our homes, and how to manage it!